Editor: Rodrigo Novaes
WLTF is now settled in Berlin and finally back in business - so here is our usual open call for images. The theme is "Business As Usual".
WLTF is open to you, yes YOU. It doesn't matter who you are, all we care about is what you yearn for, deep down inside, in those hard to reach places. And if you can interpret that in images, then that is what we want from you.
We want images of anything that turns you on and for WLTF #5 you can interpret "Business As Usual" in whichever way you like. Think literal or lateral, go off on a tangent, you decide.
It can be old, published and re-published, or something new, fresh from the camera, as long as you think fits to the theme.
Between 1 to 6 images by 31 August 2009 to
WLTF Loves you!
Images should be low res at 72dpi. To be published only online.
Horizontal images should be:
600px tall by 900px wide or larger.
Vertical images should be:
600px tall by 450px wide or larger.
Images may be cropped and will be edited in juxtaposition to other images, please look at other WLTF issues and you'll get the idea.
All images should be your own work and you should be the copyright holder. WLTF cannot be responsible for the content of the images, so any content that could be deemed illegal or grossly offensive will not be accepted. All else is fair game.
Your images will be used for one online edition and WLTF will not hold copyright of your image and will not use any of the images for any other purposes without your full prior consent.
WLTF is a non-profit, independent project run by independently minded people, so unfortunately at the moment we cannot offer payment for the use of your work.
To download the brief as .pdf click here
If you can't see this email in full please click here