Português | Castellano
What is the editorial concept of the magazine?
WLTF is the main and only editorial concept of the magazine, it’s just that simple.
What does WLTF mean?
Well, It’s a play on the old WLTM dating acronym... you can work out the rest yeah? No? Ok, it means Would Like To Fuck.
What is the idea behind WLTF?
First it is to publish on paper a magazine dedicated to photography only, no text, no adverts, and these images have to adhere to just one thing - they have to reflect the title of the publication.
Second, WLTF is to become an international project linking people around the world through their images. Anyone can send in images. The paper version won’t have any text next to the images, only the photographer’s name and the model’s name, nickname, whatever. The magazine will have a dedicated site, where sample images will be published and where there will be more info about each contributor, plus contacts for them.
Is it a porn magazine?
WLTF is primarily about desire, sexual desire, so does that make it porn? I don't know... The images are about what the contributors would like to fuck, but that could be anything, it could be human, animal, vegetal, object or anything else. It’s about desire, that’s it, desire. Contributors just have to use their imagination and be honest about what their fetishes and fantasies are.
The magazine will feature mainly images of people, sexy people and their fantasies, photographed by sexy people and their fetishes. It will be a beautifully printed sexy art magazine for the discerning voyeur.
Is it a homo magazine?
No, it’s not homo or straight, or bisexual for that matter. I like the term omni-sexual or a sexuality that is present in everything, everywhere. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then sexiness is in the mind of the beholder.
And if I want to contribute?
Just send in some images first, low res, and you don’t have to be an artist or photographer. You can send photos that were made with any type of image-making device. Although, images will need to be rectangular, in order to fit the pages (portrait or landscape). I would like to give each contributor 4 to 6 pages, with one image per page. The format of the magazine will be small - A5. It will start with 20 pages printed on colour-plus 120gm paper, in full colour, but eventually it will grow to have more pages. Once I have received the images from you I will ask for the ones I want in high res.
The only work I won’t print are images that don’t fit into the concept of the magazine, and images that could be deemed illegal (images of minors naked for ex.) and/or offensive. The rest is fair game.
Who is the publisher?
At the moment I am. There is no publishing house involved, but by keeping production costs down, I can publish a limited run of copies, which will be sold through art bookshops and the net.
Who are you?
My name is Rodrigo Novaes. I am an artist/curator living in São Paulo, Brazil but I grew up in London, where I lived for most of my life. There I did a BA and an MA in visual arts and I will also publish some of my own work in WLTF.
Why are you living in Brazil?
Because Brazilian boys are the best ever. lol
Will I get paid if my images are published?
Well, for the first issues no. First I have to ensure that I cover the costs of the project. So I am looking for contributors who are willing to allow their images to be printed for no fee. However, I want contributors to grow with the project and eventually I would like to be able to be in a position where I can pay a reasonable fee for contributions. But if your images are published you will get copies of the magazine.
Well are you still interested? Then start by sending me some images, or by telling someone who you think might be interested.
Send images to: [at]wltf-mag.com
I WLTF... wouldn’t you?